Steve predicted No on 5/24/2017. This question is open
Steve predicted Tyler Cowen will win the 2014 Nobel Prize in Economics solo on 10/24/2014 which was not correct
Steve predicted They will not invade Latvia on 11/3/2014 which was correct
Steve predicted They will invade Estonia on 11/3/2014 which was not correct
Steve predicted Russia will not invade Lithuania on 11/3/2014 which was correct
Steve predicted Maybe on 11/3/2014 which was not correct
Steve predicted They will invade on 11/3/2014 which was not correct
Steve predicted No - he will NOT be indicted on 5/23/2017 which was not correct
Steve predicted Democrat Jon Ossoff on 5/25/2017 which was not correct
FBSteve hasn't submitted any questions to be answered.