Will there be riots and civil unrest before December 1st, 2022 directly related to the Supreme Court Roe vs Wade decision?

Defined as a single incident with either 2 violent deaths or over 4 million dollars in damages.

Created on 2 years ago, was closed for new predictions on 6/15/2022 and was answered on 7/5/2022


was created on 5/12/2022 (2 years ago) and was open for 54 days. The question is closed, and was answered using using https://www.cnn.com on 7/5/2022 by Steve French

Popular Sentiment

Correct Answer:
No - there will be no rioting or civil unrest

Possible Answers

  • 2 votes No - there will be no rioting or civil unrest
  • 0 votes Yes - there will be rioting or civil unrest

Smart People Thought

Steve + ' ' + French


predicted no - there will be no rioting or civil unrest which was correct

 + ' ' +


predicted no - there will be no rioting or civil unrest which was correct

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