Steve predicted No on 5/23/2017. This question is open
Steve predicted Yes - it will be celebrated on the last Saturday on 10/31/2021. This question is open
Steve predicted Yes - it will be memory holed and forgotten on 6/27/2022. This question is open
Steve predicted No on 11/7/2022. This question is open
Steve predicted Will Tyler Cowen will not win the 2014 Nobel Prize in Economics on 10/19/2014 which was correct
Steve predicted Yes - there will be one and only one member of a third party elected in 2014 on 10/19/2014 which was not correct
Steve predicted It will not be torn down on 10/19/2014 which was correct
Steve predicted No - they will stay in NATO on 10/19/2014 which was correct
Steve predicted They will invade Latvia on 10/19/2014 which was not correct
Steve predicted They will invade Estonia on 10/19/2014 which was not correct
Steve predicted Russia will invade Lithuania on 10/19/2014 which was not correct
Steve predicted They will on 10/20/2014 which was not correct
Steve predicted Andrew Hunt on 10/27/2014 which was not correct
Steve predicted They will not invade on 11/1/2014 which was correct
Steve predicted Yes - he will be indicted on 5/22/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted Democrat Jon Ossoff on 5/23/2017 which was not correct
Steve predicted There will not be a war on 5/23/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted It will continue on 5/23/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted No country will vote to leave on 5/23/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted Yes - she will remain Prime Minister on 5/25/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted It will not begin on 5/25/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted She will NOT be under indictment on 5/25/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted It will be lower on 5/25/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted It will be higher on 5/26/2017 which was not correct
Steve predicted They will not be convicted on 5/26/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted They will not gain seats on 5/26/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted They will gain seats on 5/26/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted He will not be under indictment on 5/29/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted No tapes will emerge on 5/29/2017 which was correct
Steve predicted They will release a Surface Phone on 5/30/2017 which was not correct
Steve predicted No - he will not please guilty to any crime on 7/10/2018 which was not correct
Steve predicted Yes - he will be pardoned on 12/12/2018 which was not correct
Steve predicted Yes on 1/14/2019 which was correct
Steve predicted Yes on 3/21/2019. This question is open
Steve predicted Yes - they will get a team on 12/13/2019 which was correct
Steve predicted No - there will not be rioting on 10/27/2021 which was correct
Steve predicted No on 2/22/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted No on 4/7/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted Yes on 4/8/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted No on 4/11/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted No on 4/11/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted Yes on 4/25/2022 which was not correct
Steve predicted Yes on 4/26/2022 which was not correct
Steve predicted No on 4/28/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted No - he will not win his lawsuit on 4/29/2022 which was not correct
Steve predicted No on 5/3/2022 which was not correct
Steve predicted No - he will not win the primary on 5/4/2022 which was not correct
Steve predicted No - there will be no rioting or civil unrest on 5/12/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted No - he did not suffer an aneurism on 5/13/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted Yes - they will institute mandatory training on 5/27/2022 which was not correct
Steve predicted Yes - he will be replaced by a different candidate on 7/8/2022 which was not correct
Steve predicted Rafael Warnock on 10/4/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted Brian Kemp on 10/4/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted No on 11/8/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted No on 11/8/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted Yes on 11/8/2022 which was correct
Steve predicted No - he will not be convicted on 5/12/2023 which was correct