Smart People - Zorro

Personal Information

Real Name: Zorro

Blogs at
Known on this site as Zorro


Prediction Market Position

256 Brain Points
4th in our system
Member since 5/26/2017

Zorro has been a member since 7 years ago

Recent and Open Predictions

The technological singularity will occur in the first half of the 21st century

predicted No on 5/26/2017. This question is open

Closed Predictions

Will Michael Flynn be indicted by September 30th, 2017

predicted Yes - he will be indicted on 5/26/2017 which was correct

Who will win the Georgia special election on June 20th, 2017?

predicted Democrat Jon Ossoff on 5/26/2017 which was not correct

North Korea will not be at war in 2017, with anyone

predicted There will not be a war on 5/26/2017 which was correct

The war in Syria will NOT be resolved in 2017

predicted It will continue on 5/26/2017 which was correct

No country currently in the EU will actually vote to leave the EU in 2017

predicted No country will vote to leave on 5/28/2017 which was correct

Theresa May will remain Prime Minister of the United Kingdom throughout 2017

predicted Yes - she will remain Prime Minister on 5/28/2017 which was correct

Construction of the US border wall will NOT begin in 2017

predicted It will begin on 5/28/2017 which was not correct

Hillary Clinton will be under indictment in 2017

predicted She will NOT be under indictment on 5/28/2017 which was correct

US Unemployment will be lower at the end of 2017 than at the beginning

predicted It will not be lower on 5/28/2017 which was not correct

The US murder rate in 2017 will be higher than the murder rate in 2016

predicted It will be lower on 5/28/2017 which was correct

Seth Rich's murderer(s) will be captured and convicted

predicted They will not be convicted on 5/29/2017 which was correct

The Republican Party will gain seats in the house in the 2018 elections

predicted They will not gain seats on 5/29/2017 which was correct

The Democratic Party will gain seats in the 2018 elections

predicted They will gain seats on 5/29/2017 which was correct

Jared Kushner will be under some form of indictment by January 1st, 2018

predicted He will be under indictment on 5/29/2017 which was not correct

Tapes will emerge of conversations between Donald Trump and James Comey by January 1st, 2018

predicted Tapes will emerge on 5/29/2017 which was not correct