Smart People - [email protected]

Personal Information

Real Name: [email protected]

Blogs at
Known on this site as [email protected]


Prediction Market Position

10 Brain Points
15th in our system
Member since 11/8/2022

[email protected] has been a member since one year ago

Recent and Open Predictions

Will Russia intentionally detonate a nuclear weapon by December 31, 2024?

predicted No on 11/8/2022. This question is open

If Russia detonates a nuclear weapon in the course of the war in Ukraine, will China participate in trade sanctions?

predicted Yes on 11/8/2022. This question is open

By 2027, by popular consensus, Halloween will be celebrated on the last Saturday of October instead of the October 31st.

predicted No - it will continue to be celebrated on October 31st on 11/8/2022. This question is open

Closed Predictions

Will Russian troops enter any part of Poland, for any period of time in 2022?

predicted No on 11/8/2022 which was correct